Friday, May 6, 2011

What did you think?

What did you think of Behind Rebel Lines?

I have been wanting to read this for awhile after seeing it in a reading list that all girls should read before they grow up from the Daring Book for Girls.  It obviously is written for very young children.  It was a nice easy read and an interesting story, and I think I would have thought it interesting as a young girl.  As an adult, I found myself wondering how much of this was based on research and how much was a narrative of what the author thought happened.  It would be interesting to research a bit more.

I thought it was interesting to compare this girl to girls that are growing up today.  Would any girl growing up now feel that deep desire to serve her country and want to have an impact on history in this way?  And if they did, would they be courageous enough?  I have to admit that I don't know if I could have done this. I don't know that I'm brave enough, or that I would believe in whatever-the-cause-may-be enough to leave home and family and go on a wild adventure.

What did you think?