Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Battle Hymn review

a href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px">Battle Hymn of the Tiger MotherBattle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I gave this book 4 stars because it was well written and very readable, not because I agreed with her.  I couldn't put it down.

However, it was kind of like watching a train wreck... like you can't not watch it.  This mother is the typical asian music mom times by 20.  I think we've all seen parents like these in all fields, but this book shows what happens behind closed doors.  I do appreciate her honesty.  She made no attempt to see things through rose colored glasses.  However, it was a little disturbing how emotionally abusive she is of her daughters and how proud she is of it.  I actually agree with a lot of her theories, but I think she is too far on the extreme side.

She says, "What Chinese parents  understand is that nothing is fun until you're good at it.  To get good at anything you have to work, and children on their own never want to work, which is why it is crucial to override their preferences."  I agree with the first sentence...and partially with the second sentence.

She also says, "my goal as a parent is to prepare you for the future-not to make you like me."  Agreed.  Parenting shouldn't be about trying to be your kids' friend, but that doesn't give you license to emotionally abuse your children and work them to death either.

Chua has some good concepts and Ideas, but they're poorly executed in my opinion.  No wonder her youngest daughter hated her and rebelled.  There's just no excuse for calling your daughter garbage...

View all my reviews

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

Have you guys read this book???  It is a little insane.  But insanely readable.