Monday, November 29, 2010

The Actor and the Housewife

Have any of you read this book?  Below is my goodreads review.  But I'm curious, what did you guys think?

The Actor and the HousewifeThe Actor and the Housewife by Shannon Hale
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I really have had a hard time knowing what to rate this book.

For the pros:  The dialogue really was very witty and at times I laughed out loud, and it was good enough that I actually finished it in not too long a time, which at this stage in my life is saying something.

However, I think I'll agree with some of the previously written reviews of the book that it was a little bit too much of the authors personal fantasy fleshed out in a book and it got a little ridiculous at points.

I love Shannon Hale and I salute her for doing something different, but it really didn't work completely although I enjoyed the ride for the most part.

View all my reviews


  1. I rated it the same and had mixed feelings about it as well. It's been a while since I read it, so I can't really remember the details of what I thought about it. I thought the whole best-frienship was a bit far fetched. It was definitely my least favorite Shannon Hale book so far. After reading her other books, I have a hard time believing that this is really her personal just doesn't seem like the personality I got from the other books, but maybe. But I still read it quickly and laughed and cried a bit as well, so it had some merit.

  2. I too laughed out loud at parts in this book, and cried like a baby in other parts. It wasn't a sterling piece of literature or anything, but a good chick flick in book format.

  3. I read it and loved it. I liked it much better than Austenland (her other title for adults). I don't understand what you mean about it being her personal fantasy. What parts of the book did you find ridiculous?

  4. If you're curious -- my thoughts a little bit more fleshed out on my own review blog:

  5. @ Alysa
    I don't know really how to describe it... I just felt like the Mike parts of the book were so... real. I felt like she was recording an actual relationship, whereas the parts with Felix were so...contrived? invented? I'm not sure what the right word is to use here. All I know is that when I was reading the Felix parts of the book, I felt like I could "see" Ms. Hale in my minds eye sitting down and hashing out the manuscript, whereas in the MIke stuff, I was totally lost in the story and I felt like I was watching these people's lives unfold. In the Felix scenes, the dialogue was fabulous and witty and oh-so-funny, but it just felt imagined for the most part. I do love Shannon Hale, and most of this book was great, but I do agree with Kat, that it seemed that the whole best-friendship part was a bit too far-fetched for me to believe in.

    I did want to say also, that she certainly does know how to write a devastating scene or two... when Becky ends up face down on the carpet, I was as devastated as she was... well written.


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